Happy couple taking care of their hearing health

Hear Clearly Again: Signs You Need a Hearing Test

Hear Clearly Again: Signs You Need a Hearing Test

Your sense of hearing is essential for understanding and interacting with the world around you. Over time, many people experience changes in their hearing, often so gradually that they don’t realize it’s happening. Recognizing the signs of hearing loss is crucial for maintaining your hearing health and overall well-being.

When to Consider a Hearing Test

If you find yourself frequently asking, “Do I need a hearing test?” it may be time to schedule an appointment. Here are some key indicators that you should consider scheduling a hearing test:

  • Difficulty understanding conversations
  • Increasing the volume on devices
  • Trouble hearing women and children’s voices
  • Frequently asking others to repeat themselves
  • Difficulty hearing in background noise

Federal Way Audiology Can Assess Your Hearing

Knowing where to get your hearing checked is just as important as recognizing the signs of hearing loss. The hearing care professionals at Federal Way Audiology can expertly test your hearing and help you find a customized solution to help you hear better. Regular check-ups are essential, particularly for those who are over the age of 50 or those who work in noisy environments.

What Kind of Tests Should I Expect?

During your appointment there are a few types of hearing tests that will be performed. These are the most common ones:

  • Pure-Tone Audiometry: This test measures your ability to hear sounds at different frequencies and volumes. You’ll wear a pair of headphones and respond to a series of tones by pressing a button or raising your hand.
  • Speech Audiometry: This evaluates how well you can hear and understand speech at various volume levels. It helps determine your speech reception threshold and word recognition ability.
  • Tympanometry: This test assesses the function of your middle ear by measuring how your eardrum responds to changes in air pressure. It can help detect issues such as fluid in the middle ear or eardrum perforations.

Your Hearing Test Results

Once you’ve completed your hearing tests, your hearing specialist will provide you with an audiogram – a visual representation of your hearing thresholds at different frequencies. The results will identify what degree of hearing loss you have.

Normal Hearing: Thresholds between 0-25 dB across all frequencies indicate normal hearing.
Mild Hearing Loss: Thresholds between 26-40 dB suggest mild hearing loss.
Moderate Hearing Loss: Thresholds between 41-55 dB indicate moderate hearing loss.
Severe Hearing Loss: Thresholds between 71-90 dB point to severe hearing loss.
Profound Hearing Loss: Thresholds above 90 dB indicate profound hearing loss.

Be Proactive of Your Hearing Health

Recognizing the signs that you need a hearing test is the first step toward better hearing health. By understanding when to get your hearing checked, the types of hearing tests available, and how to interpret your results, you can take proactive steps to address any hearing issues.

Federal Way Audiology provides comprehensive hearing tests for the people of Federal Way, Auburn, Edgewood, and the surrounding areas. Contact us today to schedule a hearing test to ensure you hear clearly again.